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  • Oxford Discover Grammar, Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling 등 필요한 스킬의 추가 학습이 가능한 스킬스 교재가 구성 되어 있습니다.
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    A lot of teachers talk about "21st century skills" and "The 4 Cs" – but what are they, and why are they important?

    These are the skills students need for great futures. Oxford Discover gives teachers the tools to develop students':

    Critical thinking:
    A lot of schools and teachers want to bring critical thinking into their teaching. How do you do this?

    What do students need in order to really communicate and express themselves?

    Would you like support in managing pair work and group work in your classroom?

    What kinds of projects would make your parents, students, and teachers proud? How do you encourage creativity?

    The Integrated Teachers Toolkit and available support from Oxford gives teachers all they need to develop these 21st century skills with confidence. 
  • 목차

    1 An Interview at a Zoo
    2 Looking After Our World
    3 What Can We Learn from Cave Paintings?
    4 A Presentation
    5 Our Future
    6 A Spaceship Competition
    7 Rescue!
    8 The Secret World of Ants
    9 Granny Stop Museum Thief!
    10 General Knowledge Quiz
    11 Volcano
    12 A Changed Landscape
    13 A Rich Man's Fine Clothes
    14 How Could We Make Our School "Green"?
    15 A Visit to a Science Museum
    16 At the Circus
    17 An Unsual Building
    18 The Castle