Day 01 What grade are you in?
학년을 나타내는 단어들 | I'm in the ~ grade.

Day 02 I love watching movies.
취미를 나타내는 단어들 | I love to~ / ~ing.

Day 03 What do you want to be?
장래희망을 나타내는 단어들 | I want to be ~.

Day 04 I live in a city.
사는 곳을 나타내는 단어들 | I live in ~.

Day 05 What's the date today?
열두 달을 나타내는 단어들 | What's the date today? / It's ~.

★ Review Test 1

Day 06 A triangle has three sides.
모양을 나타내는 단어들 | It has ~.

Day 07 Tom is faster than Jack.
비교할 때 사용하는 단어들 | He is faster than ~.

Day 08 Bones protect important body parts.
신체 부위를 나타내는 단어들 | ~ is an important body part.

Day 09 We should save the Earth.
환경 보호와 관련된 단어들 | We should ~.

Day 10 I have a headache.
질병과 증상을 나타내는 단어들 | I have a ~.

★ Review Test 2

Day 11 It's near the police station.
길, 방향을 나타내는 단어들 | It's near / far from ~.

Day 12 It's across from the park.
위치를 나타내는 단어들 | It's across from / between / in front of ~.

Day 13 How will you get there?
교통수단을 나타내는 단어들 | I'll get there by ~.

Day 14 What are you going to do this vacation?
예정, 계획을 나타내는 단어들 | I'm going to ~.

Day 15 There are few people.
수량을 나타내는 단어들 | There are many / few ~.

★ Review Test 3

Day 16 I have some news.
사건, 사고와 관련된 단어들 | I heard / told / saw ~.

Day 17 Do you know the meaning of gestures?
제스처와 관련된 단어들 | We ~ and …

Day 18 Pass, dribble and shoot!
스포츠 경기와 관련된 단어들 | You must dribble with ~. / They race with ~.

Day 19 What do you think about this music?
의견을 나타내는 단어들 | I think it's ~.

Day 20 Why are you crying?
감정을 나타내는 단어들 | I'm ~ because …

★ Review Test 4

Day 21 How can I help you?
은행에서 사용하는 단어들 | I need to ~. / You need to ~.

Day 22 People believed the gods lived forever.
그리스 신화와 관련된 단어들 | People believed ~.

Day 23 A farmer lived in the countryside.
농촌과 관련된 단어들 | A farmer lived ~.

Day 24 If I meet a fairy, I'll make a wish.
동화와 관련된 단어들 | If I meet ~, I'll ~.

Day 25 I went to my uncle's wedding.
결혼과 관련된 단어들 | They wore ~. / He is my ~.

★ Review Test 5