The movie tie-in edition of the #1 bestselling trade paperback includes a collectible full-color, fold-out poster with photos of the movie cast on both sides.
In New Moon, Stephenie Meyer delivers another irresistible combination of romance and suspense with a supernatural twist. The "star-crossed" lovers theme continues as Bella and Edward find themselves facing new obstacles, including a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance of dangerous wolves roaming the forest in Forks, a terrifying threat of revenge from a female vampire and a deliciously sinister encounter with Italy\'s reigning royal family of vampires, the Volturi. Passionate, riveting, and full of surprising twists and turns, this vampire love saga captures the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. This is a love story with bite.
감각적인 서스펜스 로맨스 「트와일라잇」 시리즈!

뱀파이어와 인간의 사랑을 그린 서스펜스 로맨스 『뉴문』 특별판. 나의 뱀파이어 연인 「트와일라잇」 시리즈의 두 번째 책으로, 이 시리즈는 뉴욕타임즈와 아마존의 베스트셀러에 오르며 큰 인기를 누렸다. 불행한 연인들이라는 테마를 스릴 넘치게 변주하였다. 2부에서는 악한 뱀파이어의 위협을 겪으며 더욱 깊어진 에드워드와 벨라의 사랑이 이어진다.

벨라의 열 여덟살 생일 파티, 한순간의 실수로 벨라는 생명의 위협을 느끼게 된다. 결국 에드워드는 벨라가 자신 때문에 위험에 처했다는 것 때문에 괴로워하다 벨라를 떠난다. 에드워드와 이별한 후 아무런 의욕도 없이 살아가던 벨라는 제이콥과 어울리게 되고, 그들은 곧 뗄 수 없는 사이가 된다.

하지만 제이콥은 갑자기 벨라를 멀리하고, 상처받은 벨라는 에드워드를 가까이 느끼기 위해 자신을 위험으로 내몬다. 한편, 에드워드는 벨라가 죽은 것으로 오해하고 자살을 하기 위해 이탈리아로 떠난다. 벨라는 그런 에드워드를 구하기 위해 앨리스와 함께 이탈리아로 향하는 비행기에 오르는데….

Chapter One

I was ninety-nine point nine percent sure I was dreaming.

The reasons I was so certain were that, first, I was standing in a bright shaft of sunlight-the kind of blinding clear sun that never shone on my drizzly new hometown in Forks, Washington-and second, I was looking at my Grandma Marie. Gran had been dead for six years now, so that was solid evidence toward the dream theory.

Gran hadn\'t changed much; her face looked just the same as I remembered it. The skin was soft and withered, bent into a thousand tiny creases that clung gently to the bone underneath. Like a dried apricot, but with a puff of thick white hair standing out in a cloud around it.

Our mouths-hers a wizened pucker-spread into the same surprised half-smile at just the same time. Apparently, she hadn\'t been expecting to see me, either.

I was about to ask her a question; I had so many-What was she doing here in my dream? What had she been up to in the past six years? Was Pop okay, and had they found each other, wherever they were?-but she opened her mouth when I did, so I stopped to let her go first. She paused, too, and then we both smiled at the little awkwardness.


It wasn\'t Gran who called my name, and we both turned to see the addition to our small reunion. Ididn\'t have to look to know who it was; this was a voice I would know anywhere-know, and respond to, whether I was awake or asleep ... or even dead, I\'d bet. The voice I\'d walk through fire for-or, less dramatically, slosh every day through the cold and endless rain for.


Even though I was always thrilled to see him-conscious or otherwise-and even though I was almost positive that I was dreaming, I panicked as Edward walked toward us through the glaring sunlight.

I panicked because Gran didn\'t know that I was in love with a vampire-nobody knew that-so how was I supposed to explain the fact that the brilliant sunbeams were shattering off his skin into a thousand rainbow shards like he was made of crystal or diamond?

Well, Gran, you might have noticed that my boyfriend glitters. It\'s just something he does in the sun. Don\'t worry about it ...

What was he doing? The whole reason he lived in Forks, the rainiest place in the world, was so that he could be outside in the daytime without exposing his family\'s secret. Yet here he was, strolling gracefully toward me-with the most beautiful smile on his angel\'s face-as if I were the only one here.

In that second, I wished that I was not the one exception to his mysterious talent; I usually felt grateful that I was the only person whose thoughts he couldn\'t hear just as clearly as if they were spoken aloud. But now I wished he could hear me, too, so that he could hear the warning I was screaming in my head.

I shot a panicked glance back at Gran, and saw that it was too late. She was just turning to stare back at me, her eyes as alarmed as mine.

Edward-still smiling so beautifully that my heart felt like it was going to swell up and burst through my chest-put his arm around my shoulder and turned to face my grandmother.

(Continues...) The movie tie-in edition of the #1 bestselling trade paperback includes a collectible full-color, fold-out poster with photos of the movie cast on both sides.