Nate와 Sludge가 바닷가에서 놀고 있어요. 이때, Oliver가 모래사장에서 잃어버린 가방을 찾아달라고 하네요. 넓은 모래사장에서 단서를 찾기가 쉽지 않은데, 우리의 꼬마탐정이 어떻게 해결해 나갈까요?

It\'s gone! Oliver\'s boring blue beach bag is gone. Inside are his clothes, shoes, and a special seashell. All he has left is his beach ball.

This is a perfect case for Nate the Great and his trusty dog Sludge. But they don\'t find many clues in the sand and surf. What trail should they follow next? Follow the leader to find out!