All-skill expansion

- Review vocabulary from the Student Book
- Extend speaking practice outside of calss
- Build language skills with readking and writing activities
- Enhance accuracy with grammar practice
- Expand listening skills with additional video activities.




1. I learned a lot from… 2
2. Did you hear about…? 4
3. I can't stand it when… 6
4. You put up with a lot. 8
5. How do you know…? 12
6. Are you up for…? 14
7. I had thought she was… 16
8. It's just not my thing. 18
9. What exactly is a…? 22
10. I decided to… 24
11. I spend too much time… 26
12. You have a point, but… 28
13. My short-trem goal is… 32
14. I'm very organized. 34
15. The first thing you need… 36
16. I'm here to talk about… 38
17. Are you afraid of…? 42
18. I'm overworked. 44
19. If I could go anywhere… 46
20. I wish I had… 48
21. It started out kind of slow. 52
22. It has a really good beat. 54
23. Did you hear about…? 56
24. Have you heard…? 58
25. Is the flight on time ? 62
26. I'm afraid… 64
27. Do you think…? 66
28. It's important to… 68
29. Did you see the game…? 72
30. Hold on. 74
31. Studies have shown… 76
32. What's your opinion ? 78